Singleton (separate) message handler context in Javascript

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Singleton message handlers should be used when application is expected to process a high number of messages and want to process it in a 'multithreaded' way.
A regular message handler callback is called by javascript when script context is unlocked.<br/>
Script context is locked during message processing.<br/>
Script global data is available in message handler callback function.
A singleton message handler may be used when application is expected to process a high number of messages and want to avoid contention due to javascript serialization.
When a singleton message handler is installed the javascript module will build and initialize a separate context.<br/>
Handle callback function is called in this context.<br/>
The context is deleted after message is handled.<br/>
Message singleton related functions (e.g. Message.installsingleton()) are not available in:
* When running in a singleton context.
* When running a script configured with multiple instances
A regular message handler callback is called by javascript when script context is unlocked.<br/>
Script context is locked during message processing.
=== Sample ===
// Callback for call.route. 'context' value is the second parameter passed to Message.installSingleton()
function onCallRoute(msg,context)
    if (debug)
Engine.debug(Engine.DebugCall,"Singleton",,"context=" + context);
    // Increment some shared variable to be reported in status
    var perf = new Engine.SharedVars("handler_singleton_sample_perf");
    var"handled_" + context);
    if (!msg.called)
return false;
    var shared_objects = new Engine.SharedObjects;
    var data = shared_objects.get("handler_singleton_sample_route_data");
    if (!data)
return false;
    if (data.local_route_called) {
// Sample: route local using called party match
var match = msg.called.match(data.local_route_called);
if (match[1]) {
    msg.retValue("sip/sip:" + match[1] + "@");
    return true;
    if ("object" == typeof data.database) {
// Sample: route local using database query
var m = new Message("database",false,data.database);
m.module = Engine.debugName();
if (m.dispatch(true) && !m.error) {
    var row = m.getRow(0);
    if ( {
return true;
    return false;
function onTest(msg,context)
    if (debug) {
var shared_objects = new Engine.SharedObjects;
var data = shared_objects.get("handler_singleton_sample_route_data");
var s = "\r\n-----\r\n" + Engine.dump_var_r(data) + "\r\n-----";
Engine.debug(Engine.DebugCall,"Singleton",,"context=" + context,"route_data:" + s);
    // Increment some shared variable to be reported in status
    perf = new Engine.SharedVars("handler_singleton_sample_perf");
 +"handled_" + context);
    return true;
if (!Engine.scriptType)
else if (Engine.ScriptTypeMsgHandler !== Engine.scriptType())
else {
    // We are in singleton message handler context
    // NOTE: debug (including level) is propagated from main script to singleton
    //      context by javascript module
    debug = Engine.debugEnabled();
// From this point the code is used only if script is loaded as static script
function onStatus(msg)
    if (msg.module && ("handler_singleton_sample" != msg.module))
return false;
    var str = "";
    var perf = new Engine.SharedVars("handler_singleton_sample_perf");
    var perf = perf.getVars();
    for (var name in perf)
str += "," + name + "=" + perf[name];
    msg.retValue(msg.retValue() + "name=handler_singleton_sample,type=misc;" + str.substr(1) + "\r\n");
    return !!msg.module;
function onDebug(msg)
    if (var dbg = msg.line) {
debug = Engine.debugEnabled();
    msg.retValue("Sample Singleton Message Handler debug " + Engine.debugEnabled() + " level " +
Engine.debugLevel() + "\r\n");
    return true;
function onReload(msg)
    if (msg.plugin && ("handler_singleton_sample" != msg.plugin))
return false;
    return !!msg.plugin;
function initialize(first)
    Engine.output("Initializing module Sample Singleton Message Handler");
    if (first) {
// If script is configured to use multiple instances it can only install singleton for the first one
// It makes no sense to configure multiple instances for it!
if (!Message.installSingleton) {
    Engine.debug(Engine.DebugConf,"Refusing to start Sample Singleton Message Handler",
"singleton handler install not available");
// Initial debug
Engine.setDebug("level 10");
debug = Engine.debugEnabled();
// Message.installSingleton(func,context,name[,priority[,filterName[,filterValue[,params]]])
// Do not load extensions (default: javascript.conf global setup)
// Extensions are loaded using a script.init message. C++ modules may push javascript objects in script context
var params = {load_extensions:false};
// Sample call.route filter. Handle if not explicitly disabled. Use Engine.MatchingItem
var mi = {name:"handler_singleton_sample",value:/^$(true|yes|)$/};
var filter = new Engine.MatchingItem(mi);
// Sample test filter. Handle if not explicitly disabled. Use basic
// Module messages
    // Init and set shared object holding route data
    var routeData = {
local_route_called: /^(test|other)$/,
database: {account:"some_db_account",query:"select target from route"},
    var shared_objects = new Engine.SharedObjects;
'''See also'''
'''See also'''
* [[Javascript]]
* [[Javascript]]

Revision as of 16:47, 29 August 2024

A regular message handler callback is called by javascript when script context is unlocked.
Script context is locked during message processing.
Script global data is available in message handler callback function.

A singleton message handler may be used when application is expected to process a high number of messages and want to avoid contention due to javascript serialization. When a singleton message handler is installed the javascript module will build and initialize a separate context.
Handle callback function is called in this context.
The context is deleted after message is handled.

Message singleton related functions (e.g. Message.installsingleton()) are not available in:

  • When running in a singleton context.
  • When running a script configured with multiple instances



// Callback for call.route. 'context' value is the second parameter passed to Message.installSingleton()
function onCallRoute(msg,context)
    if (debug)
	Engine.debug(Engine.DebugCall,"Singleton",,"context=" + context);
    // Increment some shared variable to be reported in status
    var perf = new Engine.SharedVars("handler_singleton_sample_perf");
    var"handled_" + context);
    if (!msg.called)
	return false;
    var shared_objects = new Engine.SharedObjects;
    var data = shared_objects.get("handler_singleton_sample_route_data");
    if (!data)
	return false;
    if (data.local_route_called) {
	// Sample: route local using called party match
	var match = msg.called.match(data.local_route_called);
	if (match[1]) {"routed_local_route_called");
	    msg.retValue("sip/sip:" + match[1] + "@");
	    return true;
    if ("object" == typeof data.database) {
	// Sample: route local using database query
	var m = new Message("database",false,data.database);
	m.module = Engine.debugName();
	if (m.dispatch(true) && !m.error) {
	    var row = m.getRow(0);
	    if ( {"routed_database");
		return true;
    return false;

function onTest(msg,context)
    if (debug) {
	var shared_objects = new Engine.SharedObjects;
	var data = shared_objects.get("handler_singleton_sample_route_data");
	var s = "\r\n-----\r\n" + Engine.dump_var_r(data) + "\r\n-----";
	Engine.debug(Engine.DebugCall,"Singleton",,"context=" + context,"route_data:" + s);
    // Increment some shared variable to be reported in status
    perf = new Engine.SharedVars("handler_singleton_sample_perf");"handled_" + context);
    return true;
if (!Engine.scriptType)
else if (Engine.ScriptTypeMsgHandler !== Engine.scriptType())
else {
    // We are in singleton message handler context
    // NOTE: debug (including level) is propagated from main script to singleton
    //       context by javascript module
    debug = Engine.debugEnabled();

// From this point the code is used only if script is loaded as static script

function onStatus(msg)
    if (msg.module && ("handler_singleton_sample" != msg.module))
	return false;
    var str = "";
    var perf = new Engine.SharedVars("handler_singleton_sample_perf");
    var perf = perf.getVars();
    for (var name in perf)
	str += "," + name + "=" + perf[name];
    msg.retValue(msg.retValue() + "name=handler_singleton_sample,type=misc;" + str.substr(1) + "\r\n");
    return !!msg.module;

function onDebug(msg)
    if (var dbg = msg.line) {
	debug = Engine.debugEnabled();
    msg.retValue("Sample Singleton Message Handler debug " + Engine.debugEnabled() + " level " +
	Engine.debugLevel() + "\r\n");
    return true;

function onReload(msg)
    if (msg.plugin && ("handler_singleton_sample" != msg.plugin))
	return false;
    return !!msg.plugin;

function initialize(first)
    Engine.output("Initializing module Sample Singleton Message Handler");
    if (first) {
	// If script is configured to use multiple instances it can only install singleton for the first one
	// It makes no sense to configure multiple instances for it!
	if (!Message.installSingleton) {
	    Engine.debug(Engine.DebugConf,"Refusing to start Sample Singleton Message Handler",
		"singleton handler install not available");

	// Initial debug
	Engine.setDebug("level 10");
	debug = Engine.debugEnabled();

	// Message.installSingleton(func,context,name[,priority[,filterName[,filterValue[,params]]])
	// Do not load extensions (default: javascript.conf global setup)
	// Extensions are loaded using a script.init message. C++ modules may push javascript objects in script context
	var params = {load_extensions:false};
	// Sample call.route filter. Handle if not explicitly disabled. Use Engine.MatchingItem
	var mi = {name:"handler_singleton_sample",value:/^$(true|yes|)$/};
	var filter = new Engine.MatchingItem(mi);
	// Sample test filter. Handle if not explicitly disabled. Use basic

	// Module messages

    // Init and set shared object holding route data
    var routeData = {
	local_route_called: /^(test|other)$/,
	database: {account:"some_db_account",query:"select target from route"},
    var shared_objects = new Engine.SharedObjects;

See also

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