YateAdmin Headers Sent Fix
From Yate Documentation
Note: If you want an interface for Yate for a basic setup you can probably use FreeSentral. It offers all the features from YateAdmin and a lot of new ones.
I installed Yate, PostgreSQL and YateAdmin. I use lighttpd as a webserver, and PHP5.
Initially I came across some error messages of the sort:
"Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by"
The problem, it seems, is that some data is already being passed out by the webserver, which makes header modification impossible. Maybe Apache, which most people probably use, handles things differently. (Perhaps you could also integrate this fix into the distribution, Null Team?) For more information see this website: http://www.siteinaweek.com/howto/headerproblems/headerproblems.html
Essentially, to fix the problem, modify two files and insert ob_start(); and ob_end_flush(); as shown below.
index.php ******* <? ob_start(); /* * This file is part of the YateAdmin Project http://yateadmin.null.ro (...) else if ($username || $password) $login = "<h3>Wrong login<h3>"; else session_unset(); ob_end_flush(); ?> main.php ******* <? ob_start(); /* * This file is part of the YateAdmin Project http://yateadmin.null.ro (...) if (isset($_GET['skin'])) $_SESSION['skin']=$_GET['skin']; ob_end_flush(); ?>
Cheers, Max
See also: