SIP Features Module
From Yate Documentation
This page describes the SIP features module.
Contents |
Implemented SIP Methods
This module implements the following SIP methods:
- SUBSCRIBE - Allow SIP clients to subscribe to specific events
- NOTIFY - Notify SIP clients when an event's state changed
To enable the subscribe method set:
[methods] subscribe=yes
To configure the logic of how to handle the subscriptions and the notifications use subscription.conf file.
Message handlers
Internally Yate will handle the following messages:
- sip.subscribe Used to generate a resource.subscribe message
- resource.notify Used to generate a xsip.generate message with method=NOTIFY
Allowed events
Use section [allow_events] to restrict/allow subscriptions to individual events. If an event is disabled, no subscriptions to it will be allowed. The supported events are: dialog and message-summary.
- default: boolean: Default value if an event is not listed here. Defaults to enable
- dialog: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to dialog state events. Defaults to enable
- message-summary: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to message waiting events. Defaults to enable
Configuration file
Configuration file sipfeatures.conf
; This file configures the SIP feature module [general] ; expires_min: int: Minimum allowed expiring time in seconds ;expires_min=60 ; expires_def: int: Default expiring time if not present in requests ;expires_def=600 ; expires_max: int: Value used to limit the expiring time to something sane ;expires_max=3600 ; forcedialogdata: boolean: Force (fill if missing) some parameters (dialog.callid, ; dialog.localtag, dialog.remotetag, dialog.remoteuri) in dialog state notification, ; if made for a valid dialog ( is not empty) ; Defaults to enable ;forcedialogdata=enable ; verbosexml: boolean: Build verbose XML bodies (add line breaks and spaces) ; A dialog XML notification body will spare about 38 chars if this option is disabled ; Defaults to enable ;verbosexml=enable [allow_events] ; Restrict/allow subscriptions to individual events ; If an event is disabled, no subscriptions to it will be allowed ; default: boolean: Default value if an event is not listed here ;default=enable ; dialog: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to dialog state events ;dialog=enable ; dialog: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to message waiting events ;message-summary=enable
See also