Api PHP to Javascript
From Yate Documentation
Api script to call functions in Yate Javascript.
Contents |
Use api from yate javascript
#require "api.js" var a = 'b'; var b = 1; var c = ['1',2,'3']; var d = {'str':'test', 'num':b, 'arr':c, 'obj':{'test':'test'}}; function apiOnCommand(req){ if(!req.act) return false; switch (req.act){ case 'autodial': return createAllAD(); break; case 'test0': return a; break; case 'test1': return b; break; case 'test2': return c; break; case 'test3': return d; break; } return false; }
Use api from php
require_once('./yate.api.class.php'); $yate = new YateApi(); $res = $yate->api(array('act'=>'test0')); print_r($res);
string(1) b
$res = $yate->api(array('act'=>'test1')); print_r($res);
int(1) 1
$res = $yate->api(array('act'=>'test2')); print_r($res);
Array ( [0] => 1 - string(1) [1] => 2 - int(1) [2] => 3 - string(1) )
$res = $yate->api(array('act'=>'test3')); print_r($res);
Array ( [str] => test [num] => 1 [arr] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) [obj] => Array ( [test] => test ) )
Yate Setup
[general] scripts_dir=/your/dir/where/js/files/
[scripts] init=init.js
Code: api.js
function qs2obj(str){ str = str.trim(); var vsks = str.split("&"); var ret = {}; for(var kv in vsks){ var s = vsks[kv]; s = s.split("="); ret[s[0]] = s[1]; } return ret; } function json2str(obj){ var res = ; var prolog = '{'; var epilog = '}'; var type = 0; var e = []; switch (typeof(obj)) { case 'string': res += '"'+obj+'"'; break; case 'number': res = obj; break; case 'object': for(var i in obj){ if(i==0){ prolog = '['; epilog = ']'; type = 1; } if(type){ var o = json2str(obj[i]); } else { var o = '"'+i+'":'+json2str(obj[i]); } e.push(o); } res = prolog+e.join(',')+epilog; break; } return res; } //function apiOnCommand(res){} function apiCommand(msg){ if(!msg.line) return false; var obj = qs2obj(msg.line); var res = apiOnCommand(obj); if(!res) return false; msg.retValue('[' + json2str(res) + ']' + "\r\n"); return true; } Message.install(apiCommand, 'engine.command', 150);
Code: yate.api.class.php
<? class YateApi extends Socket { /** Commands status uptime reload restart stop .... -> will be mapped into an engine.command */ function stop() { return self::command('stop'); } function restart() { return self::command('restart'); } function reload() { return self::command('reload'); } function api($arr = array()) { $res = self::command(http_build_query($arr)); $arr = json_decode($res, true); if(!json_last_error()) return $arr[0]; return array('error'=>true, 'message'=>'invalid-json', 'response'=>$res); } function status() { return self::command('status'); } function daytime($sec) { $arr = array(); $arr['d'] = floor($sec / 86400); $arr['H'] = floor(($sec % 86400) / 3600); $arr['i'] = floor(($sec % 3600) / 60); $arr['s'] = $sec % 60; return $arr; } function uptime() { $return = self::command('uptime'); if(preg_match("/\((.*)\)/",$return, $arr)) { $sec = (int)$arr[1]; return array( 'start' => date('d.m.Y H:i:s', time()-$sec), 'seconds' => $sec, 'daytime' => $this->daytime($sec) ); } return false; } } class Socket { var $error = array(); var $socket = false; function __construct($ip = '', $port = '5038', $ssl = false) // default settings { if($ssl && !in_array("ssl", stream_get_transports())) { $this->error[] = 'No support ssl protocol'; return false; } if(!$this->socket = @fsockopen($ip,$port,$errno,$errstr,30)) { $this->error[] = "Web page can't connect to ip=$ip, port=$port [$errno] \"".$errstr."\""; return false; } else { $line1 = $this->read(); } return true; } function read($marker_end = "\r\n") { if(!$this->socket) return false; $keep_trying = true; $line = ""; while($keep_trying) { $line .= fgets($this->socket,8192); if($line === false) continue; if(substr($line, -strlen($marker_end)) == $marker_end) $keep_trying = false; } $line = str_replace("\r\n", "", $line); return $line; } function write($str) { if(!$this->socket) return false; return fwrite($this->socket, $str."\r\n"); } function close() { if(!$this->socket) return false; return fclose($this->socket); } function __destruct() { return $this->close(); } function command($command, $marker_end = "\r\n") { if(!$this->socket) return false; $this->write($command); return $this->read($marker_end); } } ?>
See also: