Constructors and prototypes

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The Javascript language does not have classes, it supports only objects. However, a common behavior of objects can be implemented using prototypes.

Adding class properties and methods

Even if objects are not class members they can share a set of common properties and methods.

Currently Yate does not automatically provide a prototype for objects. This can be added easily to a constructor:

function MyConstructor()
    this.MyProperty = 0;

MyConstructor.prototype = new Object;

Now shared properties and methods can be added to the prototype:

MyConstructor.prototype.SharedProperty = 1;

MyConstructor.prototype.MyMethod = function(x)
    return x + this.MyProperty;

IMPORTANT: There's a semicolon after the closing brace as this is an assignment and not a function declaration

Accessing the prototype

Javascript does not provide a standard way of accessing an object's prototype.

Yate uses a widespread extension of a __proto__ attribute to access the prototype:


See also

External links

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