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Google Voice support module

  • Module: gvoice.yate
  • Config file: gvoice.conf

This module watches for incoming calls from Google Voice and sends DTMF upon answer. This is to satisfy GV's prompt for a DTMF "1" to acknowledge answering of the call.

The defaults listed below should work in most cases.

; Global settings for the Google Voice(TM) support module

; call.execute: int: Priority of the call.execute message handler

; call.answered: int: Priority of the call.answered message handler

; chan.hangup: int: Priority of the chan.hangup message handler

; dtmf_delay: int: Delay until first DTMF is sent, in seconds

; dtmf_outbound: boolean: Send the DTMF to the outbound instead of inbound

; dtmf_text: string: Sequence of DTMFs to send, one per second

; match_param: string: Parameter to match in call.execute message

; match_rule: regexp: Regular expression to match the message parameter
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