Javascript Engine

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* '''sleep()'''
* '''sleep(seconds)'''
* '''usleep()'''
Sleep for a number of seconds.<br>
* '''usleep(microseconds)'''
Sleep for a number of microseconds.<br>
* '''yield()'''
* '''yield()'''
Give up the currently running timeslice. Note that on some platforms it also sleeps for the operating system's scheduler resolution.<br>
* '''idle()'''
* '''idle()'''
* '''restart()'''
Sleep for a system dependent period adequate for an idle thread.<br>
On most operating systems this is a 5 msec sleep.<br>
* '''restart([code [,gracefull]])'''
Stop and restart the engine and the entire program.<br>
'''code''': Optional return code of the program. Defaults to 0<br>
'''gracefull''': Optional. Attempt to wait until no plugin is busy<br>
TRUE if restart was initiated, FALSE if exiting or no supervisor or 'allow_abort' is disabled in javascript.conf.<br>
* '''dump_r()'''
* '''dump_r()'''
* '''print_r()'''
* '''print_r()'''
* '''dump_t()'''
* '''dump_t()'''
* '''print_t()'''
* '''print_t()'''
* '''debugName([name])'''
* '''debugName([name])'''
Set the debug name.<br>
Set the debug name.<br>

Revision as of 16:54, 9 March 2016

Javascript static Engine object.
This object is frozen.


  • output([value1 [, value2 [, ...]]])

Output data to console / log.
Concatenate parameters. Put a space between them.
Does nothing if the resulting string is empty.

Engine.output("1" + " " + 1 + " test");
// Output: "1 1 test"
  • debug([level, ][value1 [, value2 [, ...]]])

Put a debug message in console / log.
Concatenate values. Put a space between them.
Does nothing if the resulting string is empty.
Debug level is handled if the first parameter is an integer value. Defaults to Engine.DebugNote otherwise.

// The following calls will produce the same debug message:
Engine.debug(8,"test out");
Engine.debug("test" + " out");
  • alarm([info, ]level, value1 [, value2 [, ...]])

Put a debug message. Emits an alarm if a callback is installed.
Concatenate values. Put a space between them.
Does nothing if the resulting string is empty.
info: Optional alarm extra information
level: Debug/Alarm level

Engine.alarm("myscript",Engine.DebugWarn,"Some warning");
// Run time error:
Engine.alarm("some text");
// No alarm, no debug message:
  • sleep(seconds)

Sleep for a number of seconds.

  • usleep(microseconds)

Sleep for a number of microseconds.

  • yield()

Give up the currently running timeslice. Note that on some platforms it also sleeps for the operating system's scheduler resolution.

  • idle()

Sleep for a system dependent period adequate for an idle thread.
On most operating systems this is a 5 msec sleep.

  • restart([code [,gracefull]])

Stop and restart the engine and the entire program.
code: Optional return code of the program. Defaults to 0
gracefull: Optional. Attempt to wait until no plugin is busy
TRUE if restart was initiated, FALSE if exiting or no supervisor or 'allow_abort' is disabled in javascript.conf.

  • dump_r()
  • print_r()
  • dump_t()
  • print_t()
  • debugName([name])

Set the debug name.
Retrieve debug name if no parameter is given.
name: Debug name to set

  • debugLevel([level])

Set the debug level.
Retrieve the debug level if no parameter is given.
level: Debug level to set. Ignored if not an integer value

  • debugEnabled([on])

Toggle (set) the debug enabled flag.
Retrieve the debug enabled flag if no parameter is given.
on: TRUE to enable debug output, FALSE to disable it

  • debugAt(level)

Check if the current debug level is greater or equal to requested level.
level: Integer value to check
TRUE if the current debug level greater than or equal to level, FALSE otherwise.

  • setDebug(command)

Set debug according to command values.
Handled commands:
- level <level_value>: Set debug level to requested level value
- reset: Reset debug level to javascript module debug level
- engine: Reset debug level and debug enabled flag to yate engine settings
- boolean: Set debug enabled flag
All other values are ignored.

  • started()

Check if engine is started at the time this method is called (engine.start message was sent).
TRUE if engine was started (all modules were loaded and initialized), FALSE if not.

  • runParams([param])

Retrieve engine list of parameters specific to this run or a specified one.
param: Optional name of parameter to retrieve
Object with fields set to engine parameters or string with requested parameter value.

  • configFile(name [,user])

Retrieve the full path of a configuration file. Add the '.conf' extension to name.
name: Configuration file name
user: Optional. Set it to TRUE to build the path from user settings
Path to requested file.

  • setInterval()
  • clearInterval()
  • setTimeout()
  • clearTimeout()
  • loadLibrary()
  • loadObject()
  • replaceParams()
  • atob

Decode Base64 data.
b64_str: Mandatory, Base64 encoded data
Decoded data, boolean false on failure (invalid Base64 data)

str = Engine.atob(b64_str)
  • btoa

Encode string data to Base64.
str: Mandatory, data to encode
line_len: Optional line length (split encoded data, add end of line after each line_len chars)
add_eol: Optional, add an extra end of line after encoded data
Base64 encoded data

b64_str = Engine.btoa(str[,line_len[,add_eol]])
  • atoh

Decode Base64 data.
b64_str: Mandatory, Base64 encoded data
hex_sep: Optional separator to use between octets. Set it to 'undefined' if not used and hex_upcase is given
hex_upcase: Optional, use upper case characters in hexa
Hexified string, boolean false on failure (invalid Base64 data)

hex_str = Engine.atoh(b64_str[,hex_sep[,hex_upcase]])
  • htoa

Encode hexified binary (string) data to Base64.
hex_str: Mandatory, data to encode
line_len: Optional line length (split encoded data, add end of line after each line_len chars)
add_eol: Optional, add an extra end of line after encoded data
The string, boolean false on failure (invalid input string).

b64_str = Engine.htob(hex_str[,line_len[,add_eol]])
  • btoh

Convert binary (string) data to hexified string.
str: Mandatory, data to hexify
hex_sep: Optional separator to use between octets. Set it to 'undefined' if not used and hex_upcase is given
hex_upcase: Optional, use upper case characters in hexa
Hexified string

hex_str = Engine.btoh(str[,hex_sep[,hex_upcase]])
  • htob

Unhexify binary (string) data.
hex_str: Mandatory, data to unhexify
hex_sep: Optional separator between octets. Set it to 'undefined' if missing or unknown (autodetect)
The string, boolean false on failure (invalid input string).

str = Engine.htob(hex_str[,hex_sep])


  • DebugFail, DebugTest, DebugGoOn, DebugConf, DebugStub, DebugWarn, DebugMild, DebugCall, DebugNote, DebugInfo, DebugAll

Debug levels to be used when calling Engine.debug() or Engine.alarm().
NOTE:: Debug level is clamped to interval [DebugTest .. DebugAll] unless 'allow_abort' is enabled in javascript.conf (in this case the debug level is clamped to interval [DebugFail .. DebugAll].

  • shared

Provides access to Shared object.

  • name

Script name. It may not be available.
This is the name assigned to the script.
This property is missing when running javascript eval command.


in some_script.js property value is "test"
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