SIP Features Module

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This module is used when:

  • SIP Methods like SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY are required.
  • a user is subscribed to receive notification if another user is called or has messages.


Implemented SIP Methods

This module implements the following SIP methods:

  • SUBSCRIBE - Allow SIP clients to subscribe to specific events
  • NOTIFY - Notify SIP clients when an event's state changed

To enable the subscribe method set:



To configure the logic of how to handle the subscriptions and the notifications use subscription.conf file.

This module is the abstractization between the SIP protocol and the subscriptions and register modules that implement the above functions in a protocol-independent way.

Message handlers

Internally Yate will handle the following messages:

Allowed events

Use section [allow_events] to restrict/allow subscriptions to individual events. If an event is disabled, no subscriptions to it will be allowed.

The supported events are: dialog and message-summary.

Section [allow_events] has the following settings:

  • default: boolean: Default value if an event is not listed here. Defaults to enable
  • dialog: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to dialog state events. Defaults to enable
  • message-summary: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to message waiting events. Defaults to enable

Configuration file

Configuration file sipfeatures.conf

; This file configures the SIP feature module

; expires_min: int: Minimum allowed expiring time in seconds
; expires_def: int: Default expiring time if not present in requests
; expires_max: int: Value used to limit the expiring time to something sane

; forcedialogdata: boolean: Force (fill if missing) some parameters (dialog.callid,
;  dialog.localtag, dialog.remotetag, dialog.remoteuri) in dialog state notification,
;  if made for a valid dialog ( is not empty)
; Defaults to enable

; verbosexml: boolean: Build verbose XML bodies (add line breaks and spaces)
; A dialog XML notification body will spare about 38 chars if this option is disabled
; Defaults to enable

; Restrict/allow subscriptions to individual events
; If an event is disabled, no subscriptions to it will be allowed

; default: boolean: Default value if an event is not listed here

; dialog: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to dialog state events

; dialog: boolean: Enable/disable subscriptions to message waiting events

See also

Personal tools
