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File cpuload.conf

; NOTE this file is used to setup CPU load information's
; The cpuload module inform YATE about system total CPU load and YATE CPU load


; This section keeps the settings for system and Yate.

; interval: int: The interval in milliseconds for CPU load check.
; Note: Minimum value is 1s.
; Default value 1s
; interval=1000

; oscillate_interval : int: Time in milliseconds that stop this module from notifying about CPU load,
; if the CPU load is oscillating between consecutive intervals
; NOTE! oscillate_interval value should be at least 2 * interval
; oscillate_interval=5000

; core_number: integer: The number of CPU cores
; NOTE! Yate will detect the number of cores from "/proc/stat". If the file does not exists you should
; set the core number to avoid that yate CPU load to be bigger than 100%
; core_number=1

; smooth : integer between 5 and 50 : Value used to smooth the CPU loading.
; smooth = 33

;The following sections represent the CPU load managers.

; NOTE!!! Each parameter form the following sections need to match this type:
; target_name=interval_name,threshold_value,hysteresis_value;......
; target_name: string: The name if the target.
; interval_name : string: The name of the interval.
; threshold_value: int: The upper value of the interval.
; hysteresis_value: int.

; Examples: engine=accept,50,4;partial,65,2;congestion,80,2;reject
; The target is "engine";
; Interval names: all, partial,congestion,none;
; Threshold value: 50, 65, 80
; from this results two sets of intervals:

; one when the CPU load is growing :
; accept = 0-54
; partial = 54 - 67
; congestion = 67 - 82
; reject = 82 - 100

; two when CPU load is lowering
; accept = 0-46
; partial = 46 - 63
; congestion = 63 - 78
; reject = 78 - 100

; NOTE! : Parameters can be appended with chan.control message and with rmanager command
; Example: rmanager

;  "control cpuload section target_name=interval_name,threshold_value,hysteresis_value;......"

; where "section" represents one from the sections above

; Example: chan.control
; Message* m = new Message("chan.control");
; m->addParam("targetid","cpuload");
; m->addParam("component","cpuload");
; m->addParam("operation",monitor); // One of the following : kernelLoad,userLoad,totalLoad,systemLoad
; m->addParam("engine","interval_name,threshold_value,hysteresis_value;...... ");
; Engine::enqueue(m); // Engine::dispatch(m);

; NOTE! : Target "engine" is reserved for engine call accept. If you want to modify engine monitors
; or intervals please do it form manager.conf

; YATE CPU kernel-space load settings

; YATE CPU user-space load settings

; YATE CPU load settings

; System CPU load settings
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