Monitoring Yate

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This article shows the modules you need configured and loaded in order to monitor what happens in the server, especially when you have limited access to Yate (e.g. when Yate runs as daemon).


  • Eventslog accessed from Rmanager
  • SNMP data from Monitoring through YATE SNMP agent

Since you use or will use Yate, you'll need to check what happens inside the server at some point or another. The services Yate provides must be continuous, in order to avoid loss of calls or information (besides, who would want their lines to stop working right in the middle of a sales conference or a management meeting?).

Monitoring your system can be done in more ways than one, like many other things. This document reffers to the cases where your Yate runs as a daemon (for Linux users). This means that once it's started, you cannot communicate with it directly using a terminal.

The examples given in this document are from Mandriva 2010 spring OS, and Yate/YateClient 4.1.

What is monitoring

In this document, monitoring refers to using the two ways presented below in order to obtain running or debugging information as the system continues to run.
Of course, monitoring your software is quite a generic concept. Each Yate user has his/her own idea of what it means, depending of the existing configuration and the tools they prefer.
However, the basic notion of monitoring is that you follow what happens with your system in real time in order to debug or fix sometimes critical issues impending your activity.

Eventslog accessed from Rmanager

In order to monitor Yate through Eventslog, the following modules are needed:

   * eventlogs - found in /modules/server. Its configuration file is the eventlogs.conf, in the conf.d directory
   * rmanager - found in /modules. Its configuration file is rmanager.conf, also in conf.d. 

Eventlogs is a module that allows you to keep multiple logs when your Yate is daemonified, separated by specific criteria.

In order to load it when Yate starts you need to configure the eventlogs.conf from /conf.d directory. Here (eventlogs.conf) you set the path to the directory where you need the files to be created in, having log files depending of your specific configuration for creating them in the @@[mappings]@ section (e.g. linksets, trunks, links).

Now, in order to access the files while Yate is running, you need to use Rmanager, a module that makes possible the connection through Telnet to your Yate. The default configuration binds the localhost ( and listens on port 5038 (you can change the configuration in rmanager.conf).

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