Installing Yate from RPMs

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If you want to get Yate up and running on your RedHat-based system, here is hopefully the quickest way to get going.


Download RPMs

Download the Yate RPM for your CPU type, into your favourite folder (we use /usr/src).

Install RPM

Run the following command to install RPM:

rpm -Uhv yate-5.3.0-1.mga4.x86_64.rpm

(this file name may change so just type rpm -Uhv yat and then press tab and let the shell complete the name for you)

Change starting parameters

To modify the starting parameters you have to edit the starting script file.
This depends on linux distribution, but it usually can be found in /etc/init.d or /usr/lib/systemd/system.

By default Yate is started as a supervised daemon with this parameters:

  • -F: Increase the maximum file handle to compiled value
  • -s: Supervised, restart if crashes or locks up
  • -r: Enable rotation of log file (needs -s and -l)
  • -l filename: Log to file
  • -v: Verbose debugging (you can use more than once)
  • -Df: Timestamp debugging in GMT format YYYYMMDDhhmmss.uuuuuu

To see other options for starting Yate run command yate --help.

Start Yate

Here is the command to start Yate:

service yate start

On distributions that use systemd you should use the following command:

systemctl start yate.service

Start Yate on system boot command

If you want Yate to start every time on boot, type this:

chkconfig yate on

or, for systemd based distributions:

systemctl enable yate.service

See the manual pages of service or systemctl for more commands.

See also

Personal tools
