Javascript Strings
Although the String object is not directly supported by Yate's Javascript these methods are applicable to most non-object variables.
Note that these are not real properties of strings and cannot be enumerated!
- length
Property that describes the length of a string as a decimal number.
Returns numeric length of string
x="abcd"; Engine.output(x.length); 4
- charAt(pos)
Function that returns a character at a certain 0-based position in string.
Returns a string containing a single character or empty if pos is out of bounds.
x="abcd"; Engine.output(x.charAt(3)); d
- indexOf(str)
Function that returns the position of a substring in another string.
Returns 0-based position of str or -1 if str is not found
x="abcd"; Engine.output(x.indexOf("bc")); 1
- substr(offs,len)
Function that returns a substring.
Returns a string that starts at 0-based position offs and has at most len characters
x="abcd"; Engine.output(x.substr(1,2)); bc
- substr(offs)
Function that returns a substring.
Returns a string that starts at 0-based position offs to the end of the original string
x="abcd"; Engine.output(x.substr(2)); cd
- match(reg)
Function that matches a string against a Regular Expression.
Returns an Array holding the match results and some extra information:
- [0] holds the whole matching string
- [1]... hold the captured substrings
- index holds the 0-based index of the first matching character
- input holds the RegExp object used in match
If the string does not match the regular expression reg then the function returns null.
x="abc123"; m = x.match(/([0-9])/); Engine.output((typeof m) + " index=" + m.index + " input=" + m.input); object index=3 input=([0-9])
- toLowerCase()
Function that converts a string to lower case.
Returns the string converted to lower case characters.
x="AbCd"; Engine.output(x.toLowerCase()); abcd
- toUpperCase()
Function that converts a string to upper case.
Returns the string converted to upper case characters.
x="AbCd"; Engine.output(x.toUpperCase()); ABCD
- trim()
Function that removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.
Returns the string with all initial and final whitespaces removed.
x=" a bc d "; Engine.output(">" + x.trim() + "<"); >a bc d<
- sqlEscape()
Function that performs SQL escaping on a string.
Note that backslash escaping is an SQL extension
x="a'b'c\\backslash"; Engine.output(x.sqlEscape()); a''b''c\\backslash
- startsWith(str)
Function that checks if a string starts with a specific substring.
Returns true if str is the prefix of the string.
x="abcd"; Engine.output(x.startsWith("ab")); true
- endsWith(str)
Function that checks if a string ends with a specific substring.
Returns true if str is the suffic of the string.
x="abcd"; Engine.output(x.endsWith("bcd")); true
- split(sep)
Function that splits a string into an Array at a separator.
Returns an Array object holding the string fragments.
x="abc,def,xyz"; a=x.split(","); Engine.output("[0]=" + a[0] + " [1]=" + a[1] + " [2]=" + a[2]); [0]=abc [1]=def [2]=xyz
- toString()
Function that converts a number to string using numbering base 10.
x=1234; s=x.toString(); Engine.output((typeof s) + " " + s) string 1234
- toString(base)
Function that converts a number to string using a specified numbering base.
x=1234; s=x.toString(16); Engine.output((typeof s) + " " + s) string 4d2