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The MessageQueues is a mechanism for organizing YATE's messages in different queues, identified by message name and some specified filters.

This article explains how to create and use a MessageQueue in Javascript.
The purpose of messageQueue mechanism is to streamline the messages processing in Yate.


How to create MessageQueue in Javascript

In JavaScript a MessageQueue can be created by calling Message.installHook() method.

Read the description of MessageQueue behaviour in messages page .

installHook parameters

  • processCallback - function, optional. The method that should process the messages skipping the engine handlers list.
  • msgName - string, mandatory. The message name for the queue filtering.
  • workers - integer, mandatory. The number of workers that should be used for message processing.
  • trapCallback - function, optional. The method that should be called when a queue overload is detected.
  • trapCount - integer, mandatory if trapCallback is present. The number of messages in the queue when we should be alerted.
  • filter - string, optional, can be repeated. Optional message filter. Should be in form 'name=value'.


1. Creates a MessageQueue for engine.timer message with one processing thread.


2. Creates a MessageQueue for call.route message, who has called=123. Two processing threads will be created. When a message needs to be processed the callback method will be called.


3. The same behaviour as above only that the trapCallback method will be called when in the queue exists more than 50 unprocessed messages


When to use?

MessageQueue can be used:

  • when you have a high number of a specific message that needs to be handled
  • when handling a message implies sending more messages that need to be processed
  • when you want to avoid using Yate's message queue

If you need to handle a specific message frequently or see that processing this message takes too long you might need to use a custom MessageQueue for that message.

See also

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