Queues Notify Module

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Queues notify module has three sections:

  • general - used to configure the account for the queries in database;
  • events - this section configures the status set in resource.notify messages when a queued call status changes;
  • queued - this section configures the queries used when a call is queued.


File queuesnotify.conf:

; This file keeps the configuration for the Queues Notify module


; account: string: The account used to query the database
; defsleep: int: Loop sleep time in milliseconds

; notifyhanguponunload: boolean: Notify hangup for all queued calls when the
;  module is unloaded or the program terminates
; Defaults to yes

; This section configures the status set in resource.notify messages when
;  a queued call status changes

; queued: string: The status text to be sent when a call is queued
; Defaults to 'online' if missing

; pickup: string: The status text to be sent when a call is picked up from queue
; Defaults to 'dnd' if missing

; hangup: string: The status text to be sent when a previously queued call
;  is terminated
; Defaults to 'offline' if missing

; This section configures the queries used when a call is queued

; callinfo: string: The query to be used when a call is queued to get callinfo data
; These values will be added to the callinfo parameter(s) of the resource.notify
;  message
; If the query fails a minimum set of parameters will be copied
;  from received message to the resource.notify message: caller, called, callername
; cdrinfo: string: The query used when a call is queued to get CDR data
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